Monday 10 April 2017

This time next year...

So much has happened in the past year of my life. From ex's to jobs and a sense of calm for the first time in a while. 

By this time next year I hope to...

Have a new car. Maybe not brand new. But better than my current metal heap.

Be permanent at my job. I love where I work more than anything and in a few months I'll find out if I'm being kept on permanently.

Be less stressed about my health.

Go to the gym and stick to it.

Have another cat. This is more of a dream than something I think will happen but hey ho!

Have my own space. Right now I share a room with my sister as I have done for 15 years now and I can honestly say it is the one thing that drives me insane.

Have a regular blog and YouTube schedule. 

Buy a proper vlog camera. I'm debating on two ATM.

SAVE MONEY. I can't save to save my life. 

Travel more. 

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