Sunday, 6 August 2017

A guide to the Bloggers' favorite books

Do we actually read them... or should I call them flatlay pieces? In alot of my instagram and blog posts, I use certain books as a sort of level or for their colour. Many (in fact all) of the books I use for such a purpose were bought mainly because other bloggers were using them (and they're really really pretty!). Here is a guide to the top books chosen by the blogosphere for fabulous photographs and a real girl-bossy read!

Capture your style
This little gem has featured in a number of my insta posts and I'm only half way through it. The book talks all about how to up your instagram game and how to find you theme (or lack off if that's your thing!)

Latest issue of Cosmo
Now this one isn't a need, but for a quid, I can't ever say no when it's looking all cute like on the shelf.

Sophia Amoruso - GirlBoss
I've watched the series and loved it. So next step would be to read the book aye?

Alexa Chung - It
The hardback copy of Ms Chung's book has been on everybody's coffee tables (including mine!) in the past year and after flicking through; I can't wait to sit down one evening and give it a proper go.

Anuschka Rees - The Curated Closet
The newest addition to my collection. I'd been eyeing up this book on Asos for a while and just couldn't bring myself to pay the nearly £17 pricetag so when I saw it in the sale at Urban Outfitters I didn't spend more than half a second deciding whether I needed it. Because I did. I really did.

Blogosphere Magazine
Ah how I love this wonderful thing. Every 3 months Blogosphere Magazine will released their new edition, packed full of girl boss ideas, tips, blogger interviews and knowledge. It's still my dream to have something of mine published in here and I go to each and every one of their events because they're utterly fabulous!



  1. An issue of cosmo some how always seems to appear in photos for either instagram or my blog a couple of times a month. Also I love your photography!
    Alicia x

    1. I walk past in Asda like yep I'll have that one! & Thank you! I'm working on it haha! x

  2. I love reading Blogosphere magazine, but a book I've found really useful from a writing perspective is 'Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t: Why That Is And What You Can Do About It' by Steven Pressfield. I've not read the whole thing yet, but it's been fab to dip in and out of, and it's really altered my perspective. It's helped me consider whether my articles are interesting or not! Check it out if you get the chance :)

    1. Thank you for the suggestion! I'll have a look :)

  3. This was such an interesting read! I've seen all of these publications in many blog posts or Insta shots, but I can totally see why! They are all so gorgeous and girly!

    Jade x |

  4. Loving all your picks, I've been going back on forth on picking up The Curated Closet.

    Emma | Reverie de Paris

  5. Love this post it's so unique! I need to get some blogger friendly books, at the moment I just use magazines
    Laura x


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