Thursday 31 October 2019

AD- Saving for Life with Tandem

AD- I’m a dipper. I save a bit, want something and dip into my savings with the good intention of paying it back to myself. Does it ever happen? Not a chance. Recently I’ve been having a semi-mid life crisis, that I’m in a job I can’t save for the future with, and have a feeling of being just... stuck. When I heard about Tandem I decided to give the app a go, just to see what difference it makes in my spending, and how much I could actually save.

The app allows you to set your own limits and you’re in control whilst the app does it all for you. You get a weekly autosaving, so the app will collect a certain amount of money to save weekly. The amount is up to you obviously. I found this way great for saving a little, without realising it. I try and save monthly on payday, but I notice big chunks missing and it bugs me. I’ve set my auto saving to £5 a month for a little while. I’ll barely notice it because it’s the same price as a takeaway that I get rather regularly. When connecting your bank (all safe through online banking) it checks and lists your direct debits, and deducts that from your spending money. So now every time I click on the app, I know how much I’ve got for food, and travel etc until payday. I love not having to deduct my bills, and just knowing I have the amount there for a quick glance.

My favourite little thing about the app is the round up feature. When you make a purchase, you can allow Tandem to round up the pennies left over to the nearest pound. It may only be little, but I may make 3/4 purchases day, so it’ll all add up eventually! You’re also given a statement, to see just how much you’ve spent or saved that month too. Click here to download the app and start saving yourself for the busy few months ahead! Oh and did I mention that you earn 0.5 AER too?!
So that’s how I’m saving this Autumn. I may still dip (I probably will let’s be fair) BUT it’s all a step to being able to Save For Life.

This post was apart of a paid collaboration with Tandem.


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