Tuesday, 26 November 2019

The tweed edit

Do you ever just love an outfit? For me anything tweed, or white, are a win so this outfit was a no brainer and I haven't stopped wearing it since. 

The dress is gifted from Shein, as are the boots. The links are: 

I added a chunky Primark belt and this gifted Skinny Dip headband (pink obviously) to finish. The dress also has a pussybow tie and have you SEEN anything so cute. 10/10 win win all round.

Use my code katiecouture15 for an extra 15% off!

Items mentioned are gifted. This is not a paid post.


1 comment

  1. I love the appearance of that Tweed SheIn mini-dress,
    and I love the way you styled it in your OOTD!
    You look fabulous wearing it.

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