Wednesday, 15 July 2015

My little room improvements...

Some time in the near future (she says), I intend to film a room tour, since I have 99% finished re organising my room. And by this I mean lugging a desk half way around the room and un-needingly buying more 'things'.
So for now; here a few things from my room that I love...

For £2 from ASDA, I bought this cute glass plate that says 'Let your dreams set sail'. The message is super sweet and I have places all of my silver jewellery on top.

On top of my chest of draws I have my TV, a cute fake flower and vase from B&M stores, a candle mirror from B&M also, a cute little VW Beetle weight that I won on one of those 2p machines in the arcades ( the ones where you spend like a tenner to win a 30p keyring and feel ever so satisfied with life) annnnd one of my mini Yankee Candles inside this boho-esk candle holder from Tiger.

Now this was one of my older images from a previous post (as now all walls are blank other now)  but the premise is still the same. Fairy lights are always a good idea (just turn them off when you don't need them).

Cute frames are everywhere in my house. This one is a lovely beachy wood (literally the only way I can describe the battered wood effect) with a heart frame that dangles in the middle supported by two pieces of yarn. I am still yet to put a photo inside but rest assured, it most definitely will be a cutsie cringey picture of me and my ever so lovely boyfriend *and the crowd goes aww*

Books. Once upon a time Katie actually had the time to read a book, now they sit patiently up on the shelf, looking dainty and smelling as fresh as the day they were printed, waiting for that fateful moment when they will be picked up and stared at for a large amount of hours. 

A long time ago (apparently this post is turning into a fairy tale) I picked up this pretty little glass bowl thing, with cracked looking glass, and a long time ago...  I broke it. So now the former candle holder is home to all of my extra jewellery, including daisy necklaces/bracelets and a whole host of rings that have never fitted me. *hides the broken bits out of frame*

And lastly; this slate heart with cute lettering and a key implanted into it. And yes it is real slate as I discovered when it fell down this morning and my wall was covered in little grey specs of dust. Woo!

K x


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