Friday 8 July 2016

The hangout party of the summer!

Why hello everyone. I guess I'm allowed to say that Summer is official? I walked into my garden after two days stuck indoors filming & editing; to be pleasantly surprised at the weather. Not too long ago; I made the short trip into central London and made my way to my first Blogger event of the year; The Blogger's Hangout: Summer Hangout event at The Strand Gallery. I previously went to another of their events in February 2015 which you can read all about here and here!

This year I was joined by a lovely lady who has recently become a close pal of mine. I first spoke to Emily on twitter and spending the day with her was just lovely. Click here to read Emily's blog and here for her YouTube channel!

As always; a ton of fabulous brands joined the party, gifting us and telling us about their new products. I will do a few separate posts on these individually soon!

I had a lovely time and like always, am excited for the next event whenever that may be!

K x

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