Saturday, 23 December 2017

Dating with Badoo when you're a blogger

Bloggers. Some are married, some engaged. Some are yet to find love and some are in the middle. Being a blogger is a modern thing, and such, the blogger needs a modern way to date. 

Keeping up 
Online and app dating is an ever growing business. Badoo is the largest dating app in the world, with over 366 million users. Any apps that take up our precious storage space on the phone need to be able to keep up with updates and God forbid they start to lag. Badoo sends rich notifications to let you know when there’s been an update or activity on your profile. You can also navigate the app from your home screen too, seeing your messages or likes for example 
without opening the app.  

Precious time
The blogging world (otherwise known as the Blogosphere) isn’t just 14 year olds and their computers anymore. It’s business women, making their mark on society and working for themselves. Time is key, so when dating, having someone waste it is more of an eye roll than usual. Badoo has verified profiles, so you know that someone is genuine. Catfishing is a thing of the past as you can request a selfie from the other chatter. Obviously you can say no, so don’t worry about a sudden 40 minute make up session if he were to so ask.

The date
So imagine this, you’ve gotten past the talking stage, you know they’re genuine and they’ve asked you to plan a day out. I did say imagine… 
Some ideas: It’s December, and the Christmas markets are in full swing. Head to your local German market for their festivities. Here’s a list of my faves:

-Southbank, London

If you’re a Londoner, Winter Wonderland at Hyde Park is a firm favourite amongst the millions. This is my personal choice for a December date. From the rides to the lights, hot chocolate to beer and German sausages, the place has everything. Buy a ticket for ice bar or ice kingdom for a little something extra. WW also hosts iceskating every year. Rinks are a regular pop up wherever you are in the country, so if you fancy showing off your skills, or need an excuse for hand holding, have a pop at it.

December isn’t all about Christmas themed activities. Simple things such as a night at a roof top bar, looking over your city, can be a fab way to spend the evening. Some offer outdoor cinemas if you fancy wrapping up, or ping pong/bowling games too. 

The outfit
It’s cold. Obviously. So my choice for a date outfit is this cheap as chips jumper dress. The ballon sleeves are HUGE right now and the high neck is perfect to keep the frosty wind out. The boots. THE boots. These over the knee, tie up grey boots are everything I need for this season. They’re quite high I will say, but for an evening out, they’re perfect. 

Do you use dating apps or have you found someone through one? Do let me know! 

*Thanks to Badoo for working with me on this!


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