Friday, 3 August 2018

The newest Instagram cafe that's not just a cafe

We arrived at 1pm, an hour after the new Spectrum store in Carnaby Street opened it's cafe. It's vegan, pink and marble heaven. The bottom floor of the building is the brush shop, playing host to every collection from the past year whilst a quick hop up the stairs leads you to luminous signage, hanging plant pots and cupcakes galore. 

I grew up around soya, my brother was/is allergic to everything bar the kitchen sink and I'd have a love hate relationship with the chocolate flavour version I'd nick from the fridge. I'll happily drink a pint of milk any second of the day, despite the 7 month looking bloat baby it gives me. Adding soya to tea was a new one and it made... literally no difference in taste, just minus the usual bloat. Winner.

£3.99 for a pot of tea for two in London? A rarity. The entire place is a pink heaven. The sofa, the walls, with the green leafy tables complimenting the space.
The brushes themselves are fab quality, vegan, cruelty free and I had the pleasure of partying with the Spectrum sisters at the launch of the Little Mermaid launch a few months ago. A literal dream come true.

If you fancied popping town to Carnaby Town (Street but it didn't sound as fancy) then keep walking until you see the little pink corner shop in the middle. You can't miss it!


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