Thursday, 10 January 2019

How to have an OTT minimalist style

I frequently describe myself as 'beige and boring'. I wear beige alot. 50 shades of beige they should have called it. I love beige, and I love whites, and browns and the occasional muted pink. I'll pair a nude top with black or white trousers and add my Chanel inspired sling backs to complete the look. You won't find many other colours in my collection. I think I own two blue dresses (tweed and lace so it's acceptable) and nothing of the bright orange or green kind. Being minimal is all about the basics, but it doesn't mean you have to be boring at all.

Frill me up baby. Frills are fabulously fantastic. The bigger they are, the better. Imagine a pair of black court heels, black high waisted trousers, a blouse with big frilly sleeves, and a tweed blazer on the shoulders. Classic. I often refer to pinterest for inspiration at the start of the season. Under the 'minimalist' search results you'll find amples of camel coloured coats and jeans, black boots and roll neck jumpers. I spent a lot of years trying to find my 'style'. I bought Primark and Boohoo only in order to test the looks at cheaper prices. If I liked the pieces, I'll think about upgrading to New Look, Zara or River Island. A lot of the UK's highstreet store's products are often on the site Shein at a cheaper price too if you didn't know.

Back to the subject at hand; being Over the Top. My workplace's dress code is smart. Men in ties and shirts and the women can pretty much do as they wish as long as it's not leggings or a tracksuit sort of thing. I however like to take the 'smart' rule to the extreme. A suit or a blazer and skirt combo isn't out of the question for myself. I'll maybe up this even more by the outfit being all tweed too. God that gets the eyes watching. I recently got a pleated grey skirt from Zara. Sounds normal enough, but the pleats make the skirt bounce slightly and puff just a tad. It's one of those swoshy kind of skirts that makes you feel fab. Pop on a black high neck, a camel coat and a pair of OTK boots, and you'll be the centre of attention from all angles. 

Outfit image: All black with a white shirt and a black tweed blazer. Add a broach and bang; an instant something. I have a Chanel borach from a few years ago and it sits on my everyday jewelry plate for the day I really feel like feeling fancy. My last little tip is to add a print. 2016 me would die at the thought of willingly buying the leopard print skirt that I love so much, but I can't tell you how grateful I am that I did it. Here I think the shape and style matter most. A white shirt, nude courts and a printed (brown tones or monochrome) midi or pencil skirt would piece a look together nicely. 

In summary:
- Learn to love beige
- Wear the frills
- Buy cheap until you just KNOW
- Coats help a lot
-Try a print you never thought you'd love
-Wear what the bloody hell you want 

The end.


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