Thursday, 14 March 2019

How to style the V neck jumper for spring

Jumper is Gant / Skirt is New look / Boots are Boohoo / Bag is Mango 

This post was a gifted [unpaid] collaboration with Gant. You can gab 15% off the site with the code KATIEC15

Premium high street is something I can very much get behind. Investing more in longer lasting pieces has been at the forefront of my mind for a while, so this Gant V neck jumper fitted perfectly into my plan, but also my wardrobe. When I hear the word jumper, I think of winter, a big puffy coat and the thickest jeans I own. But here I opted for a... skirt. A short one too. This beige one is from New Look, with last year's tortoise shell button trend steaming into SS19. I think it matches perfectly. The jumper is very soft, and I'm very protective about folding and hanging it, and I'll be heading to the dry cleaners from now on.

Tights tights tights. Wear them. I used to call them my 'tan tights' because even the literal see through ones would still give my pale legs a slight colour. They also smooth everything out and feel a bit like you've Facetuned them without the hassle. Not that anyone needs to smooth them, I just fancied it. 

As we are all very much aware, I wear white everyday, near enough. So what do you match a white jumper and beige skirt to? More white is the correct answer. These Boohoo boots have done me very well for the past month or so and I regularly walk to work in them (and a certain cobbled streeted light district in Amsterdam recently but that's besides the point). Love a good 60s vibe. The bag is Mango and one I've shown many, many times on my Insta.  M a n y  t i m e s. 

I'm very happy with this little outfit, and am just waiting on the wind to stop, Storm Garath to leave, and the rain to stop being a bother, to wear it more often. 


1 comment

  1. love the looks of both the button-front New Look mini-skirt and the white Gant V-neck jumper you styled it with. Your eye-makeup, lipstick and hair all look very pretty. It's a lovely look an your outfit photos are great.


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