Monday, 14 October 2019

What 10k means to me

I idolised people on 5k+ for a while. I thought GOSH they must know what they're doing by 5k. When I got to 5k under a year ago I realised... we all have no idea. This blog/instagram whatever journey is a wild ride that none of really know about. We learn the laws, the taxes, the instagram methods as we go along, but there isn't a guide out there that can really help.

When I hit 9k I felt sick. Happy sick, and a good sick. And now I'm on 10, I can ever so slightly feel positive about the fact that this *could* be a job or a side career. Even a full time one in a year or so. I've grown with decent speed in the past year, and if all continues, could be on 20k within a years time. I think 10k is the point where people start listening, wanting to know why I get up at 7am on a Saturday morning and run into London to shoot. They want to know the benefits and really, they want to know what they can get from this. But that's besides the point, I shan't moan about that one today. 

10k is the start of believing that I might just be able to do this thing properly now. And I'm quite ready for it if I'm honest.

Boots gifted by Pretty Little Thing
Playsuit gifted by Shein (use code katiecouture15 for 15% off!)


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