Sunday, 13 June 2021

Let's talk tech

 When I chose photography at A Level, I really wasn't into it. I had the cheapest bridge camera I could find, and with my course more focused towards editing an image rather than actually shooting it, I came away after 2 years with no idea how to actually take a photo on the thing. I then bought a cheap Nikon with my first few pay checks from my weekend job, a couple of cheap lenses and got to work on my Instagram feed. Fast forward a "couple" of years to today, where the word "f.stop" gives me chills and I spend far too long working out whether I can afford another lens or not. 

What I have used:

Prior to my current equipment, I have used a number of Olympus Pen cameras (E-PL8 and E-PL9). I love these cameras and will always recommend them to anyone looking for a good camera for images and video, with a range of detachable lenses available for use on this, and other Olympus camera models. I have a stack of different lenses, and will still use the camera for shoots at home, especially for any food shots for example.

What I use now:

Before choosing my current equipment, I took months to research what exactly I wanted for my content. Initially I wanted to be able to shoot everything in house, without paying out for a photographer every time I wanted a specific look. I researched the lenses used by the photographers I love and purchased the chosen lens second hand with a cheaper camera body. Whilst I love the lens, and it did as I wanted it to, I think it was my own skills and knowledge of cameras that limited my ability to use the camera to its full potential. Then, a couple of months ago I began following a content creator on Instagram, of who's content I fell in love with. She provided free resources on how to use photography equipment, editing techniques and the lens that she loved. So of course, I couldn't get that lens out of my head. I saved, bought the lens and haven't looked back. The Sigma 50mm lens has changed my content for the better. It's a portrait lens, so theres no zooming and the subject has to be far enough away to get a decent shot of an outfit for example. The lens has been the best investment that I've made this year for sure.

Oh, and all of my current camera equipment is second hand, and works perfect fine! 

Editing wise I have always (and will always) used a Macbook. I love the ease of airdrop between it and my phone, and I just find them far more comfortable to use than a windows. The main editing tool however is of course Adobe Lightroom. I've used the software since I knew what a preset was, and have hundreds of different editing combinations saved on there, shared with the free app on my phone, and it's just the best thing I have found for getting the look I want for my images. 

I also have a tripod, ring light and soft box lights, but all are rarely used as I always shoot with someone else, my sister, boyfriend or other Instagram pals, and lighting wise find that natural lighting works better for my shots.

I'm still learning, and will inevitably fall in love with another camera or lens in the near future, so shall keep this post updated with any new links. 

Buy my equipment here:

Olympus camera

Canon Camera

Sigma lens

Canon lens


Olympus 45mm lens

Olympus 30mm lens

Olympus 25mm lens

Olympus 17mm lens

Olympus 14-42mm lens

K x

Affiliate links used.


1 comment

  1. This is so helpful! Can I ask what the name of the content creator was please?


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