Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Gifting: BFW MARCH 2015

I was graciously gifted a few lovely samples, full sized products and one amazing gift to top it all.
Each stand held numerous amounts of products that a girl could only dream of owning. Like my Glossy Box post, I will review each of these products within the next few weeks so I can have a proper view of them all. I cannot express how thankful I am for each of these company's generosity, and I look forward to working with them in the future.

1-Roots and Rituals
When I first walked in I couldn't believe the room. Cupcakes on the left and  clothes to be styled in on the right. Just past the cupcakes was a Roots and Rituals stand. Here I was given Deep Conditioning Hair Oil. This small bottle contains a mix of coconuts, olives and avacacado, for the perfect hair saviour. 

2-Umberto Giannini
Here I met the loveliest lady who spoke about each product and how it would relate to our individual hair types. She offered 3 gifts, (one that I cannot remember for the life of me the name), Styling Gelly, and Backcomb In A Bottle, with myself picking up one of the latter. Personally, I hate back combing. My hair never has an easy time with getting back to normal afterwards, and if I dared to wash it without de-combing, a bird's nest would become a prominent feature on the top of my skull for a good few days. So this little can of spray=lifesaver.

The list of uses for this one little product was beyond belief...: -lipgloss -eyebrow balm -lip/mascara primer -split ends smoother - cuticle ointment -dry skin relief -rash soother. Oh my.

For ages now I've wanted to try out a type of these tea products. The samples I received were: Slender Shake, SlenderTeaTox tea bags (2) and Slender Patch 30Day slim.  Next week I plan to detox my body everyday, including food and drink wise, and these will be a great edition to this venture.

Now this is the biggurnn. Worth £70, this beauty gives your face the best cleanse it ever had. Or so I shall find out. My next post will tell more of the Magnitone and the 7 day challenge that I'm ever so excited to start. Never been so dazzled by a box!

I just wanted to say thank you once again to everyone from The Blogger's hub and for everyone who gifted me!

K x


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