Monday, 27 November 2017

Christmas with Pandora

Wednesday the 22nd of November took me to Belgravia in London, on the outskirts of Hyde Park to attend the Pandora Christmas Market. Not knowing what to expect, myself and Maria J Blogs off the BBC walked into a plain looking hallway to be greeted by a bush of sorts covered in snow, and lanterns leading up the most beautiful staircase. In the middle between flights was a large christmas tree which took us up to the top of the landing. 
Things are about to get exciting. 

So, we walk in, faces drop in shock, and the words 'wow' seem to stream out. On the right was a tree with baubles hanging with Pandora's finest jewelry inside, and a little closer, was a table to make our own crackers. We turned left, walked through the most gorgeous set of trees and onto the snow covered ground (literally it was thick and just amazing) and were greeted with hot chocolates with cream and marshmallows. On the right was a cart of 'sweet food' and the 'savory' cart was right down the other end. Next to the cart was the sweetest bench in front of yet more trees. In front of us were a few long tables. The first was a christmas jumper decorating station. I decided on a burgundy jumper, and we were given our letters in a lovely little personalised envelope from the brand. The idea (repeat idea) was to use the iron on patches and letters in whatever style you wanted. I initially went for a plain, KG with a star and some snowflakes in the corner. After a good 10 minutes of cutting, arranging, dropping everything and starting again, we made our way to the irons. Here it all went downhill. My letters ironed on fine, but when adding the silver foil, only the G would attach and the iron pulled off the K into more of an n ish shape. The snowflakes just would not stick and I was shocked that the huge star did what it was told. For 20 minutes before peeling off. Anyway at some point this week I shall endeavour to reapply my star and snowflakes to their former glory. 

The next long table was for bauble decorating. We hung our baubles off of a little hanger thing and was shown techniques of how to hold the brush and write letters in a fancy way. I practised once on paper and let's just say my paper attempt was far better than what I managed to put on the ball. I dabbed some stars in the remaining space and I will now take chief bauble painter up as a career. The savoury food cart had the BEST pigs in blankets that I have ever had. I hate both bacon and sausages. So something was going right. I also took a few gherkins for my liking too. Very impressed. 

There was a coconut shy to play with and the most beautiful fireplace I've ever seen at the end of the room. And then. AND THEN. We come to the biggest surprise of the night. We headed over to the lucky dip stand, which had a cute little winter village display, and were asked to place our hands in the snow and see what we could find. We pulled out a little pouch and inside were actual Pandora rings. I have never had a Pandora ring, or anything from the brand, so was shocked to say the least. Mine is a band with the sweetest little hearts in the inside and it fits perfectly. On the way out I picked up a little bagged gingerbread man and a candy apple for the train ride home (which I actually spent trying not to be sick from the multiple hot chocolates I had). 

Thank you to Pandora for the night, it was genuinely the best thing I have ever been to.


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