Sunday 29 April 2018

Adexe at The Moxy

I was invited on a press trip. Correct. Me. Press trip. To the undiscovered area of Stratford which is 20 minutes from my house. It still counts. At Easter, the watch company, Adexe, invited a small group of bloggers on a watch hunt on a sunny Monday morning. The Sunday however would see a dinner and sleepover at the Moxy hotel in Stratford with activities and games to see the night in. 

We arrived at the hotel with our suitcases and were given our room keys. I shared with Laura from Lauzra, and we instantly started taking photos of the gorgeous gift bag and balloon spread that was on each of our beds on arrival. I didn't want to touch the initial balloons, personalised letters and skincare bits and bobs as they were so prettily laid out. We read the agenda for the evening and soon realised that a salsa dance class was organised. We arrived downstairs again and were told that the class would be held in the main area of the hotel, next to the bar and seating where many a guest were sitting. Myself, Maria and Laura decided to sit it out, eat the hummus and watch the other girls get their groove on. In the words of Chad from HSM, I don't dance, no. 

A few hours later, we were led over to the table where we had pizza and chips for dinner. The table was laid out in an Alice in Wonderland type theme, each with personalised name tags and a gift box which revealed a watch and spare strap inside!

Dinner was lovely, and we then headed to the sofa area to play a few games. By games I mean another photo taking opportunity and myself and Maria bought ourselves a very well needed cup of tea. After a few rounds of charades, we headed up to bed and I said goodbye to Maria and Tabby as I wouldn't be seeing them the next day. At 6am on Monday, I headed to my car to drive home and get to work at 8, missing the watch hunt sadly. 

Adexe watches are beautiful and honestly I wear my rose gold one every day.


1 comment

  1. That sounds like such a fun event - the invitations are so cute! These watches are stunning as well! Wish they were in my price range!

    Francesca |


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