Sunday 6 May 2018

Simple ways to improve your blog

Blog work is never done. DAs will run up and down, and media kits will be forever ongoing. Today I give you a quick run down of my top tips for nailing the BTS blog bits.

Clean your links
Websites like Broken link checker will show you which links in your blog don't work anymore. Maybe you linked to another blog that doesn't exist now, for example. For me, when I changed my domain name (and rebranded completely) I had to change hundreds of internal links in blog posts that linked to other blog posts I'd done. One I got into the swing of it, it it takes 10 minutes max.

Name your photos
Something I should do more often. Img8338.jpeg isn't exactly helpful when someone google searches for a a pink jumper. If you wear a pink jumper, name the photo pink jumper. Google search will see the photo, and more people are likely to click through to your page, or buy from the site that you've recommended.

Affiliate site
Sign up to Reward Style (or Shopstyle if you're newer!). I won't lie, Shopstyle isn't the greatest, and I could tell the difference between both of them once RS accepted me, but it isn't a bad place to start, especially for blog posts. I use it it as a Wardrobe tab, shop this post, and even single links in tweets.

About me page
I have my age in mine, so obviously each year this needs updating. I also recently added the award nominations and a contact page too. Update when necessary.

Media Kit
I LOVE my media kit. I made it on Canva and update my stats every now and then. I replace the photographs with new ones, and my logo when I changed that, but keep the same colour scheme as my whole blog (and wardrobe tbh).


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